Service Provider Consultations

Psychologist & Psychology Service Provider Consultations in Geelong

Focused Psychology offers secondary consultations to service providers to assist and enable them to support people with challenging presentations and complex needs.

We offer one off consultations to develop management plans and interventions for complex presentations and risk. We are also able to work alongside clinicians to assist in providing ideas for evidence-based interventions and offering greater support to the individual.

We work alongside clinicians to assist in providing ideas for evidence-based interventions and offering greater support to the individual.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your first session is an assessment. Your psychologist will direct the session and will ask you a range of questions in relation to your background, current difficulties and what brought you to seek help. We will also determine your goals for treatment and discuss treatment options. Often the first session will give you a real sense of your psychologist, their style and therapeutic approach. You might want to prepare a list of questions before your assessment to assist in understanding the therapeutic treatment process.

No you do not need a referral if you are not wanting to claim a medicare rebate. Otherwise you will need a referral from a GP or psychiatrist and what is known as a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). A MHCP will generally provide you with a total of six psychology sessions that attract a medicare rebate. If you require further sessions, you will need to go back to your referring GP and obtain a review of your MHCP to access a further four sessions.

From 2020, Medicare will have increased the number of sessions, providing an extra 10 sessions on top of the existing 10 sessions, totalling 20 sessions attracting a medicare rebate.

Please note that you cannot claim both the Medicare rebate and private health insurance.

You will need to ensure that Focused Psychology has a copy of your referral and MHCP (if you are using one(, your Medicare card number and any previous relevant documentation (such as previous psychology reports).

Payment is also required on your consultation, or payment arrangements should already have been made with our reception.

Our psychologists are highly experienced in assessment and it’s our job to ask the right questions and also pace our approach, given your circumstances and needs. You are most likely to experience the session as going quickly, rather than dragging on! We will help you feel relaxed, safe and confident you’re in the right hands.

Often your referring GP has a good sense of you and your specific needs, and may have suggested psychologists that are best suited to you. You are welcome to request our reception staff to arrange to speak with one of our psychologists to give you a better sense of what they are about and their style.

Need Assistance?
157 Myers St Geelong, 3220

Ready to Make an Appointment?

To make an appointment with Focused Psychology in Geelong, simply click through to the appointments page, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you ASAP.